Support for all of our students
This section offers information and support for students while they are at Sun Valley. From academic recognition, to health guidelines, to other assistance, review the information and links below.
- Accident Insurance
- Awards, Honors, Scholarships
- Elevator Use
- Emergency Cards
- Illness at School
- Student Assistant Program (SAP)
- Study Hall
- Tutoring/Extra Help
- Working Papers
Accident Insurance
Insurance protection is the responsibility of the parents and is mandatory for all activities. For other activities and during regular school participation, parents have the option to provide their own insurance protection for their son/daughter, or purchase a student accident plan. Forms are distributed at the beginning of each school year.
Awards, Honors, Scholarships
Awards, honors and scholarships are presented to members of our senior class. These awards serve as an incentive for our students as they pursue their high school diploma. Students have an obligation to submit their applications on time. Winners of awards are determined in two ways:
- According to the criteria established by the donor, a selection process is operated by the donor.
- According to criteria established by the donor, the selection is made by a scholarship committee established by the principal.
The Scholarship Committee will be comprised of the Principal, an Assistant Principal, all guidance counselors, the senior class sponsor, and teachers who are presently teaching the senior students. Scholarships awarded directly to students from post-secondary institutions should be reported to the Counseling Department for inclusion in scholarship records. Acceptance letters should also be reported to the Counseling Department.
Elevator Use
Emergency Cards
Emergency cards must be completed yearly. The card lists special health problems and designates a responsible person in the event a parent cannot be contacted. Please contact the nurse if the telephone numbers or the contact person changes. No student can be administered any medication without a complete emergency card. You should also update any changes to our contact information in the Skylert section of the student information management system, Skyward.
Illness at School
If a student becomes ill in school he/she must secure a pass from the teacher and report to the health suite. If the nurse is not there, he/she must report to the office. Permission from the nurse is required before a student may leave the building. The nurse will contact a parent before a student is permitted to leave. Students (regardless of age) are not permitted to declare themselves ill and sign out without permission from an administrator.
Student Assistant Program (SAP)
Sun Valley’s Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a systemic process for the identification, referral and intervention for students who are struggling academically or are having social emotional issues. This team involves school personnel who are professionally trained to work with these students and can provide in-school education support groups, if appropriate. Students may refer themselves or may be referred by parents, faculty, or peers. Participation in the SAP program is of no cost to families. Referrals are traditionally voluntary in nature unless this involves a policy violation.
Any student in violation of the Penn-Delco policies can be subject to a mandated Administrative Student Assistance Program (SAP) Assessment for support. This means that the student and parent/guardian must participate in an assessment administered by an outside consultant for the District. This consultant, upon completion of her assessment, will recommend appropriate “treatment”. In the event that the SAP assessment and recommendation are not followed through, the student will then be subject to further disciplinary action set forth by the Penn-Delco Administration and School Board. This action could result in an expulsion.
Study Hall
Study halls are periods set aside for independent study. Students should come prepared to work in the study hall. Class assignments, homework, or books for reading are required. If students wish to see another teacher or administrator, a pass signed by that person must be presented to the study hall teacher or students will not be excused.
Tutoring/Extra Help
The professional staff is available for extra help after school. Students should speak to his/her teacher regarding their after school hours and availability. Teachers will assist any students who choose to take advantage of this help. Also, students in the National Honor Society provide a tutoring service to the entire student body.
Working Papers
At the current time all Work Permits can be completed in person during the hours of 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. in the Sun Valley main office. A parent or guardian must be present to secure an application. The student’s Birth Certificate, Passport or Baptismal Certificate must be presented at that time along with a valid parent or guardian’s driver’s license.
The Child Labor Law requires that students obtain an employment certificate before beginning full or part-time work. The certificate is necessary until the age of 18 or upon high school graduation. Students must be 16 years old and have a job in order to secure a general employment certificate for full-time work. Students must be at least 14 years of age in order to secure a part-time or vacation certificate for work done after school or during summer vacation.
Under the current Pennsylvania Child 14 Labor Act, if in the issuing officer's judgment, the applicant cannot maintain adequate academic achievement if permitted to work during the school year, the application can be denied. Similarly, an issuing officer may revoke a work permit if it is the issuing officer's judgment that the applicant cannot maintain adequate academic achievement if permitted to work during the school year.
To secure a certificate, use the following procedure:
A parent or guardian must be present to secure an application. The student’s birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or passport must be presented at that time along with a parent or guardian’s driver’s license.
Extracts from Child Labor Laws of Employment of Minors Hours of employment:
Minors 14 and 15 years old
- During the school term - maximum 4-hours on school days, eight hours on any other day and 18 hours per school week, and only at a time that does not interfere with school attendance.
- During school vacation - maximum 8 hours per day, 44 hours per week.
- Night work - no minor under 16 shall be employed before 7:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. except during school vacation (June to Labor Day) when minors may work between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. (Minors distributing newspapers may work between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.).
At any time, maximum employment is 6 days per week with a 30-minute meal period required, after 5 hours of work.
Minors 16 and 17 years old
- During the school term - maximum 28 hours per school week. If a vacation day or days fall during a particular week 4 hours may be added for each vacation day up to a maximum of 44 hours.
- During school vacation - maximum 8 hours per day - 44 hours per week.
- Night work - no 16 or 17 year old shall be employed between midnight and 6:00 a.m. when enrolled in school. Students may work until 1:00 a.m. on nights preceding a school holiday, or Friday/Saturday nights.
At any time - maximum employment - 6 days per week with a 30-minute meal period required after 5 hours of work.