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Identification Cards

All students must have their ID cards at all times, every day. These cards are required for access to the building. They must be presented to any staff member when requested. Students without ID cards are subject to the appropriate disciplinary action.

  • ID cards are required for entrance to the lunch room. Students will scan before entering the lunchroom to ensure that they are attending the appropriate lunch period.
  • They are also required to go to the nurse, see the Counselor, and to attend many other school activities.
  • Defective ID cards will be replaced, but students who lose an I.D. card must pay $5 for a replacement.
  • If a student forgets an ID card they must enter their ID number by hand to receive the temporary ID card. They will be required to pay a fee of $1.00 for the temporary ID. Fees accumulate and must be paid before a student may attend extra-curricular events and/or receive a diploma.
  • Entering the building through an unauthorized entrance or allowing other students to enter through an unauthorized entrance is considered illegal entry into the building.

Learn more about the Scholarchip program