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Report abuse any time of the day or night

The purpose of Childline is to accept calls and reports from the public and professional sources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Childline provides information and referral services for families and children to ensure the safety and well-being of children in Pennsylvania.

The intake unit is available 24 hours a day to receive reports of suspected child abuse. Any person may report suspected abuse, even if the individual wishes to remain anonymous. Each call is answered by a trained specialist who will interview the caller to determine the most appropriate course of action. Actions include forwarding a report to a county agency for investigation as child abuse or general protective services, forwarding a report directly to law enforcement officials, or to refer the call to local social services (i.e. counseling, financial aid, or legal services).
To make a report call Childline at 1-800-932-0313