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College Representative and College Visits

College Representative Visits

Throughout the year representatives from various colleges and trade schools visit Sun Valley to meet with sophomore, junior and seniors students. Dates and times of visits are advertised on the morning announcements and on Naviance. 

Real interest in the school must be demonstrated to attend the sessions. Use this opportunity to ask questions about majors, costs, etc.

College Visits

Students will be allowed two excused absences for college visits during their junior year and 2 excused absences their senior year that will not count against the attendance policy. You must return to Sun Valley with a signed note stating that you visited the college.The best time to visit colleges is during the Spring semester of your junior year. The summer between junior and senior year can also be a great time to visit campuses. Call the admissions office or set up a visit on the college’s website at least 1-2 weeks in advance to arrange a campus tour, information session, admissions interview and meeting with a financial aid officer.

This is your chance to talk to people who attend a college and find out what they like and dislike about it. Meet with a financial aid officer (with your parents) concerning possible financial aid. Eat in the dining hall, talk to the students and ask questions. In order to make a campus visit during a school day, you must fill out a College Visit form from the counseling office and turn it into the attendance office upon your return from the visit.