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Welcome to the Media Information Center (MIC)!

Come to the MIC during lunch, during study hall, or after school for all of your information needs! Students may browse and check out books, conduct research, work on assignments, read, and get help from Ms. Freeman.

Looking for information on Reading Olympics? Visit their website to learn more!

MIC Hours

The MIC will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 2:55 p.m. on days schools are in session. Students must have a pass to come to the MIC and sign in upon arrival.

Primary Sources

Primary sources are essential pieces of information when conducting research. Use the resources below to find primary sources applicable to your topic.


Use LibGuides to access databases and conduct research. Specific LibGuides have been created for specific projects; these will help focus your work.

If you have any questions about using any of the resources on the LibGuide, please see Ms. Freeman.

Free MIC Resource Apps and Mobile Sites for your Smartphone & Tablet

Circulation Policy

  • Students may check out 5 books at a time.
  • Books, eBooks, and Audiobooks are checked out for 4 weeks.
  • Renewals can extend the check out period for 4 more weeks.
  • Holds may be placed on Destiny or at the Circulation Desk.
  • Additional books cannot be borrowed if a student has overdue books or a fine.

Overdue and Lost Books

  • There are no late fees for returned overdue books.
  • Books should be returned on time or renewed.
  • If a book is lost (i.e. never returned) or damaged beyond repair, the fine is equal to the cost of the book.