Dishonesty occurs when a student attempts to enhance the substance or quality of original work by including material or using information that is not generated specifically by honest effort and has not been credited to the appropriate source. Dishonesty also includes using Artificial Intelligence (AI)-generated content or any other source without proper credit and citation, or providing unauthorized assistance to another student(s). Unauthorized assistance can include, but is not limited to, photos, messages, or discussions regarding assessment questions and/or answers, shared work that another student can present as his or her own, allowing another student to copy your work, providing electronic access to student work (sharing documents, files or attachments) so that another student can benefit and any other sharing of information that allows a student to gain an unfair academic advantage.
Individual teacher expectations regarding collaborative work may vary because of the nature of the assignment and desired student performance. Teachers are instructed to present all assignment expectations clearly to ensure student compliance. Students are responsible for complying with teacher guidelines and for seeking clarification if needed.
Offenses of academic dishonesty will result in the following consequences:
- A zero for the assignment with no opportunity to re-do or make up the assignment
- Teacher notifies parent/guardian, school administrator, school counselor, and case manager (if applicable)
- Teacher enters offense in the student’s disciplinary record (first offense is a Level I Code of Conduct violation and repeated offenses are Level II Code of Conduct violations).
*Academic dishonesty/plagiarism can affect a student’s membership in honor society programs.