2025-2026 Course Selection Guide
Welcome to the Sun Valley High School Educational Planning and Course Selection Guide!This document contains critical information for your next steps towards a successful school experience that prepares you for life. Please carefully review all the information provided within this document to inform your decisions. As you select your classes, consider these critical questions:
- What are my graduation requirements and required courses?
- What are the prerequisites for the courses that I will eventually be interested in?
- What is the level of difficulty of the courses I select and am I prepared to meet/exceed that expectation?
- What are the recommended and required courses for your post-secondary plans?
The scheduling process is driven by student requests. This includes section creation, staffing and course placement. Due to this, we can not honor significant change requests after a master schedule is complete. We ask that all students and families take this process into serious consideration to ensure a proper schedule is created. Counselors are important in the course selection process. Through continuous contact, they can assist students in making choices in line with career goals. The counselors use school records including grades, teacher recommendations, test results, work habits, attitudes and previously determined goals to help students with their school plan. Parents wishing assistance with course selections are encouraged to contact the Counseling Department.